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Whulandary Herman Crowned Miss Universe Indonesia 2013

Whulandary Herman is the winner of Puteri Indonesia 2013 and will compete in the Miss Universe 2013 pageant
Whulandary Herman from West Sumatra was crowned Miss Universe Indonesia 2013 or Puteri Indonesia 2013 on February 1st 2013 at the Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Indonesia. She was crowned by Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Culpo, who is the special guest at the finale of Puteri Indonesia 2013. Whulandary is 24 years old and stands 5’9 1⁄2. She will represent Indonesia in the Miss Universe 2013 beauty pageant.
The first runner-up was Marisa Sartika Maladewi – Sumatera Selatan
The second runner-up was Cok Istri Krisnanda Widani – Bali.
Whulandary Herman, Miss Universe Indonesia 2013
Whulandary Herman, Miss Universe Indonesia 2013
Congratulations! Whulandary Herman is my favorite for the crown. Whulandary is from West Sumatra and a professional model. She won Wajah Femina 2009 as the 1st Runner Up, She was The 3rd Runner Up & The Best Catwalk in International Model of the Year 2009 in Korea and She won Asian Top Model of the Year 2010 in the event of Fashion Asia 2010 in Hangzhou, China.
Puteri Indonesia Top 3:
1. Cok Istri Krisnanda Widani – Bali
2. Whulandary Herman – Sumatera Barat
3. Marisa Sartika Maladewi – Sumatera Selatan
Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Culpo in Puteri Indonesia 2013
Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Culpo in Puteri Indonesia 2013
Special Awards:
Favorite Princess of Sumatera – Sumatera Barat
Favorite Princess of Java – Java Tengu
Favorite Princess of Kalimantan – Kalimantan Barat
Favorite Princess of Sulawesi – Sulawesi Barat
Favorite Princess of Lesser Islands – Bali
Favorite Princess of Eastern Indonesia – Maluku
Miss Congeniality – Papua Barat
Miss Talent – Papua
Miss Photogenic – DKI Jakarta 5
Miss Intelligence 3rd Place – Sumatera Utara
Miss Intelligence 2nd Place – DKI Jakarta 5
Miss Intelligence 1st Place – Papua Barat
The Top 5:
1. Whulandary Herman – Sumatera Barat
2. Nadia Ingrida Gani – DKI Jakarta 3
3. Novia Indriani Mamuaja- Sulawesi Utara
4. Cok Istri Krisnanda Widani – Bali
5. Marisa Sartika Maladewi – Sumatera Selatan
Top 10:
1. Novia Indriani Mamuaja (Sulawesi utara)
2. Friska Juliana Agustius (Bengkulu)
3. Rr. Aubry Widdy Asteria (DKI Jakarta 5)
4. Clarasati Ayu Suhanda (Nusa Tenggara Timur)
5. Ayu Ravianti (Kalimantan Barat)
6. Marisa Sartika Maladewi(Sumatera Selatan)
7. Cok Istri Krisnanda Widani (Bali)
8. Nadia Ingrida Gani (DKI Jakarta 3)
9. Whulandary Herman(Sumatera Barat)
10. Ryan Putri Astrini Basyarah(Jawa Barat).

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