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Yarly Marin Crowned Miss World Costa Rica 2013

Yarly Marin was crowned the title of Miss World Costa Rica 2013 and will compete in Miss World 2013
Yarly Marin was crowned Miss World Costa Rica 2013 at the end of the pageant held at the China Association of Costa Rica in downtown San Jose on May 16, 2013. Yarly was crowned by the outgoing title holder Silvana Sanchez Jiminez and will represent Costa Rica at Miss World 2013 later this year in Indonesia. Yarly from Puntarenas is 23 years old and stands 1.70 m. She is currently a physiotherapist student.
Yarly Marin, Miss World Costa Rica 2013
Yarly Marin was crowned Miss World Costa Rica 2013
Miss World Costa Rica 2013, Yarly Marin
Yarly Marin is 23 years old and stands 1.70 m
Miss World Costa Rica 2013, Yarly Marin-1
Miss World Costa Rica 2013 Yarly Marin (right) and Miss International Costa Rica Andrea Rojas (left)
At the same event, Andrea Rojas was crowned Miss International Costa Rica 2013 and will compete in Miss International 2013. Brenda Muñoz was crowned Miss Intercontinental Costa Rica 2013 and will compete in Miss Intercontinental 2013. Mariela Aparicio was crowned Miss Earth Costa Rica 2013 and will compete in Miss Earth 2013.

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