اقوال مأثوره عن جند مصر ....
يقول نابليون بونابرت ....
لو كان عندي نصف هذا الجيش المصري لغزوت العالم .
يقول المارشال الفرنسي مارسون عن المدفعيه المصريه ...
إن المدفعيه المصريه جامعه حقا لشروط الكفاءه وتضارع مدفعيات الجيوش الاجنبيه .
يقول البارون يوالكونت...
ان المصريين هم خير من رأيت من الجنود فهم يجمعون بين النشاط والقناعه والجلد والصبر علي المتاعب مع انشراح النفس فهم بقليل من الخبز يسيرون طول النهار يحدوهم الشدو والغناء ولقد رأيتهم في معركة "قونيه" يبقون سبع ساعات متواليه في خط النار محتفظين بشجاعتهم ورباطة جأش تدعو الي الاعجاب دون ان تختل صفوفهم او يسري اليهم الملل او يبدو منهم اي تقصير في واجباتهم او حركاتهم الحربيه .
على السنة العدو الصهيونى بعد العبور .....
مراسل جريدة " الصنداى تايمز "
إنقذونا .. الزلزال ، إنقذونا .. إنها القيامة .
إن خسائر إسرائيل تفوق الولايات المتحدة فى حروب الهند والصين التى استمرت عشر سنوات ....
"جولدا مائير"
رئيسة وزراء إسرائيل ....
إنقذوا إسرائيل .
خط بارليف أصبح مثل قطعة الجبن المليئة بالثقوب ، إنى أشعر بهم ثقيل على
قلبى لأن المصريين حققوا مكاسب قوية فى حين إننا عانينا ضربة ثقيلة ، لقد
عبروا قناة السويس وأنشأوا كبارى للعبور حركوا عليها المدرعات والمشاة
والأسلحة المضادة للدبابات ، ونحن فشلنا فى منعهم من ذلك ولم نستطع أن
نلحق بهم إلا خسائر قليلة .
لا بد الا ننسى التاريخ فهناك بطل و هناك جبان !!
Sayings about the host of Egypt .......Napoleon Bonaparte says ....If I had half that of the Egyptian army you invaded the world.
French Marshal Marson says the Egyptian artillery ...The Egyptian artillery University really the terms of efficiency and comparable artillery foreign armies.
Says Baron Ewalkont ...The Egyptians are better than I've seen of the soldiers understand combine activity and contentment and skin and patience to trouble with the flowering of self understanding a little of the bread marching all day long hold out Ashdown and singing and I've seen them in the battle of "Konya" remain seven hours succession in the line of fire keep their courage and coolness calls for admiration without that disrupted their classrooms or apply to them or boredom seem them any failure in their duties or war movements.On the Zionist enemy year after crossing .....
Correspondent of the newspaper "Sunday Times"
Anqdhuna .. Earthquake, Anqdhuna the .. It is the resurrection.The losses of Israel than the United States in the wars India and China, which lasted ten years ....
"Golda Meir"Prime Minister of Israel ....Save Israel.Bar-Lev line has become like a piece of cheese full of holes, I feel their heavy onMy heart is because the Egyptians have made strong gains while we suffered a heavy blow, I'veCrossed the Suez Canal and created bridges to cross passed by armored vehicles and pedestriansAnd anti-tank weapons, and we failed to stop them, we could notCatch them with only a few losses.Must not forget history there is a hero and a coward!!
French Marshal Marson says the Egyptian artillery ...The Egyptian artillery University really the terms of efficiency and comparable artillery foreign armies.
Says Baron Ewalkont ...The Egyptians are better than I've seen of the soldiers understand combine activity and contentment and skin and patience to trouble with the flowering of self understanding a little of the bread marching all day long hold out Ashdown and singing and I've seen them in the battle of "Konya" remain seven hours succession in the line of fire keep their courage and coolness calls for admiration without that disrupted their classrooms or apply to them or boredom seem them any failure in their duties or war movements.On the Zionist enemy year after crossing .....
Correspondent of the newspaper "Sunday Times"
Anqdhuna .. Earthquake, Anqdhuna the .. It is the resurrection.The losses of Israel than the United States in the wars India and China, which lasted ten years ....
"Golda Meir"Prime Minister of Israel ....Save Israel.Bar-Lev line has become like a piece of cheese full of holes, I feel their heavy onMy heart is because the Egyptians have made strong gains while we suffered a heavy blow, I'veCrossed the Suez Canal and created bridges to cross passed by armored vehicles and pedestriansAnd anti-tank weapons, and we failed to stop them, we could notCatch them with only a few losses.Must not forget history there is a hero and a coward!!